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Year 2


Your Class Teachers are Miss Evans and Miss Dutton

The Teaching Assistants are Mrs Stansfield and Mrs Robson


Our Topics this year

Autumn 1: Airport

Autumn 2/Spring 1: Explorers

Spring 2: Wonderful Wythenshawe 

Summer 1: Great Fire of London

Summer 2: Beachcombers


It is Important that your child is in school every day to receive their right to an education (article 28). School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.05. Please arrive promptly to ensure children do not miss any learning time. We are trying to get 100% attendance every week, so please help by getting your child to school on time, every day. 


We will be doing at least 3 sessions of Physical Activity every two weeks.  Please send your child in with a PE Kit (black shorts/ jogging bottoms in winter and a white t-shirt). This can be left in school and will be sent home at the end of every half term. 


This term, we will start to send home spellings for the children to learn each week. Children will be tested every Friday each week, as we know that practising these spellings at home and at school will help to embed them. We really appreciate all of your support with this. Spellings set each week will match lists set on where children can practise spellings by playing different games.

Learning Logs

At the start of each term, children will be given a choice of different tasks to complete each week in their Learning Logs - a cover sheet will be stuck in their book. These will link to the current topic. Children must pick one task each week to complete and can use two pages for each piece of work. Please support your child with this and encourage them to research information to become independent learners. Remember that the presentation of their work is important - there is an expectation that both pages are filled and that work takes at least half an hour to complete. Learning Logs are to be returned to school every Thursday and will be given out again each Friday. So it is clear which task has been completed, write the number of the task in the top left hand corner of your two pages and tick off each task on the cover sheet. Outstanding examples of home learning will be shared with the whole school in our Success Assembly on a Friday. 


All children are regularly assessed to ensure they now take home a book at the right level.  It’s really important to try and get back into good habits with reading at home as this will have a positive impact across the curriculum.  We ask that children aim to read a least 4 times a week and that this is notes in their reading record.  This should mostly be the banded reading or phonics book from school, although it is also fine for children to include some of the books they might read from home or the library. Reading at home will be monitored weekly and incentivised with rewards each half term. For more support with reading, more information can be found on the Reading and Phonics page.


We follow the Twinkl Phonics scheme in school. Here is some information for parents 


ClassDojo is used at Haveley to allow teachers, pupils and families to communicate and share what is being learned in the classroom through photos, videos and messages. Points are awarded across the week when children are spotted showing rights respecting behaviour with the top 1st, 2nd and 3rd point scorers being recognised in school. These points are reset each week so that everyone starts from the same point on a weekly basis.

Some websites to support your child's learning...

Haveley Hey Community School

Nearbrook Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 9NS