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School Action Team

Article 12: Your right to say what you think should happen and be listened to!

Article 29: Your right to be the best you can be!

The Rights Respecting School Action Team are a group of children who are passionate about making sure children's rights are met in school and in our community.  They work with the teachers and leaders in school and in our community partnerships to make Haveley Hey an even better place to learn.

Our Action Team This Year (22/23)..........


In January, our Action Team visited Ghyll Head in the Lake District to develop their team work and learn about UNICEF and children's rights.  We learned about the A, B, C D, E of rights and the technical vocabularly to explain them.  Universal- All children, Inherant- from birth, Inalienable- can't be taken away, unconditional- don't have to be earned, indivisible- all equally important.  Here are some photos and videos we made to explain these things! 



At the start of the year, the children nominated themselves to be part of the action team.  They had to create their own manifesto videos and campaign to their friends about why they wanted to be on the Action Team.    Here are some of the manifesto videos.....

The children in each class then had to fill in their ballot paper and vote on who they thought would be the best two representatives for their class.      

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Our Action Team This year (21/22)........

School Action Team.jpg


School Action team trip to Ghyll Head

In January 2022, the Action Team members in years 4-6 went to Ghyll Head in the Lake District with children from The Willows and St Mary's.  We refreshed our knowledge on what UNICEF is and why it is important and learned about dignity.  Watch our video to find out more! 


Have a go at these games to test your knowledge on our video!

UNICEF quiz!

UNICEF Language snap game



Our Priorities for this year (19/20)...

We have spent a lot of time last year working alongside St Mary's and The Willows to help develop a Rights Respecting ethos in other schools. We worked with them to put on our second RRSA conference at the Forum in Wythenshawe to tell other schools about our Rights Respecting journey so far. 

This year, we want to encourage our children to be active citizens and  'change makers'!  

Our priorities are to teach our community about the Global Goals that affect children's rights and encourage our children to get their voices heard whilst campaigning for an  global issue! 

Part of the work that our RRSA Action Team will do, will be to develop a pupil parliament with other schools from the Greater Manchester.  

Pupil Parliament

A couple of years ago, we launched our first Pupil Parliament event.  Have a look at our Pupil Parliament page to find out more about it!

Working with the Council

Steve, a neighbourhood officer from the Sharston Ward, came into school to talk about all of the things that the Council do in the area.  He wanted our ideas on how to make Wythenshawe even better.  Our ideas are going to form part of an action plan to help improve the place we live!

New Action Team Elections

Our new School Action Team have recently been elected!  It was a fantastic campaign and all of the children who nominated themselves should be very proud!  We were visited by our local Labour MP Mike Kane who told the children how to prepare their manifestos.  Then, all children from year 3-6 voted for the children they thought would be make best action team members.  We even had our own presiding officer, Steve, from the council to keep everything fair!  Last year's team counted the votes and we now have our new Action Team members.  Their jumpers have been ordered and should be here shortly! 


Meet last year's School Action Team (2018/19)


Action Team trip to Ghyll Head

In January, our year 5 and 6  Action Team members went to Ghyll Head with children from the Willows and St Mary's.  We worked together on some team building activities and found out about the 17 Global Goals.  In pairs, children researched one area and fed that back to the other children.  We then decided on our top 5 goals! Click here to find out more about the 17 Global Goals.

Whit Walks Project

Year 4 and 5 Action Team members from Haveley, St Mary's and the Willows worked with Charlotte from English Heritage to complete a project all about diversity.  Children found about about the Manchester Whit Walks and what they were and then thought about what made them different.  We made banners and took part in our own procession around Central Library in Manchester. 

What we have done so far...

Some RRSC members have been a part of the interview process for our new Head of School.

We asked the possible candidates a range of questions and Mrs Spiteri asked us for our thoughts and opinions!



RRSC at Haveley Hey worked alongside The Willows and St Marys school on the:

Hear my Voice Conference

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The children led the conference, exploring children's rights both locally and globally.

RRSC speak out about second-hand smoking!

RRSC have made a video using Talk For Writing about second-hand smoking.

RRSC in the community!

Since September RRSC have been into the community to share our rights respecting ethos. So far we have had the pleasure of visiting some of the residents at Frank Price Court. We chatted to lots of the people who live there and found out what Wythenshawe and our community was like when they were growing up. We were talking about children's rights now and were deeply shocked that when they went to school if they misbehaved they were punished in various ways. This is very different from schooling today! 

Article 19; You should not be harmed and you should be looked after and kept safe.

The School Action Team Planning Trip

The children went to Ghyll Head along with children from The Willows and St Mary's to plan our work together.

Children speak out at the local council meeting! 


RRSC wanted to share our Rights Respecting journey and our partnership with The Willows and St Mary's. Two representatives from each school, along with parents and staff went along to the Town Hall and delivered an amazing presentation to all our local councillors including the Lord Mayor (How scary!). We wanted to share with them our vision for the future within our community and also to ask for their support with issues and campaigns that we, as children, would like to get involved with! 

Watch the video below...I am sure you will agree that our children were amazing. Possible politicians in the future. we hope so!

Article 12: Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken seriously.

Haveley Hey Community School

Nearbrook Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 9NS