Welcome to our Nursery page
Mrs Deacon-Rock and Miss Leonard have lots planned for this year in Nursery.
Welcome to our Nursery class page. It is a place for you to find lots of information about your child's learning in school and how you can support it at home.
Our topics this year:
Autumn 1: Me and my family
Autumn 2: Traditional Tales
Spring 1: People who help us
Spring 2: Animals
Summer 1: Places to visit
Summer 2: Fantasy worlds
We follow the Twinkl Phonics scheme in school. Here is some information for parents
Just a couple of reminders for you!
Please remember that children should always be wearing school shoes. These should be black shoes, NO laces or wellies please!
Please ensure that ALL items of uniform are labelled with your child's first and last name. This includes shoes, coats, wellies and jumpers.
Reading Books and Book Bags - given out in Autumn term
It is really important to bring your child's book bag in every day. Every child should be reading at home at least three times a week and this needs to be recorded in their reading record which you can find in their book bag. If you have keen readers at home, you are welcome to record other books you have enjoyed reading together throughout the week so that the staff can see your child's favourite books!
Reading books will be changed at different points in the week which is why bookbags should be in every day to ensure your child's book can be changed when it is needed.
If you have any questions, please come and find us in the mornings as you drop off your child.
Some useful websites