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Article 28: Your right to an Education!

Attendance is very important to us here at Haveley Hey. Our whole school target is 95% and we need your help to reach this!

Being in school every day, not only supports children academically, but also supports them socially. Getting into good habits with attendance and punctuality at a young age will support the children as they grow up and prepare them for a life in modern Britain.

If your child is late:
Please bring them in through the main entrance and sign them in using the Inventry system. 

Please be aware that an arrival after 9.15am will be recorded on the register as an unauthorised absence. 

If your child is unwell:

Please let us know by telephoning 0161 498 9508 or send a Dojo before 10:30am on each day your child is Ill. 

If you would like advice on whether your child needs to stay at home please do not hesitate to phone and speak to Mrs Burbidge our Attendance Officer.  Remember, a cold or tiredness in the morning is often forgotten when involved in school activities.

If you are experiencing difficulties in getting to school on time or with general attendance please come into school and speak with a member of staff. Good attendance is deemed  to be over 96% (set by the Government).  Attendance below 90% is deemed as Persistantly Absent (PA).  If you're child is PA, they are less likely to reach age related expectations as they will miss key learning. 

Whole School Rewards!

We were so impressed with our attendance one week in September, we had a whole school reward! All classes got to spend some time on the bouncy castles which were kindly donated to school for the day by one of our parents. Our attendance that week was 95.3%!!!

Haveley Hey Community School

Nearbrook Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 9NS