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Sports Premium

What is the Sports Premium?

The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.

Purpose of funding

Article 6 - Your right to be healthy

Being physically healthy and active is important for a child’s development.  It has been proven that physical activity improves academic achievement, increases children’s energy levels, making them feel more energetic and ready for learning.  This year, we are also focusing on using a growth mindset approach to physical education and sports.

Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.

How have we spent our Sport Premium Money in 2022/2023

  • Specialist PE coach  delivered sessions to all classes and play ground leader training to selected children
  • Equipment purchased to enable staff to plan and teach lessons to a high standard
  • Specialised sports coach delivering team teach sessions with teachers on specific parts of teaching 
  • Increased amount of sports on offer in curriculum
  • Specialist training with an experienced Physical Education Teacher delivering continuous CPD throughout the year for the teachers, offering resources, advice and support.
  • Different sports incorporated within the curriculum and after school clubs.
  • School joining Manchester PE association
  • To continue to offer all our children competitive opportunities both within school and beyond school in a range of sports
  • To develop sports leadership skills in Sports Leaders


See below for the 2022-2023 Sports Premium report

Freddy Fit

All classes from Nursery through to Year 6 enjoy our Freddy Fit Sessions with most children showing huge improvements in their scores in skipping, jumping and hula-hooping!  

Curriculum PE 

PE is taught following the Manchester Scheme of work.  The scheme of work has been amended in order to incorporate recommendations from the 2014 National Curriculum. Children in key stages 1 & 2 have 2 hours of PE timetabled per week, which consists of Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Swimming (in year 4), Outdoor and Adventurous activities and Athletics (in upper key stage 2).

Year 5 pupils are involved in a 3 day residential to Gyhll Head involving outdoor adventurous activities.    

Curriculum Time

EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage children have continuous access to daily outdoor activities e.g the bike track, obstacle courses and the climbing frame. This provides daily opportunities for the children to develop their gross motor skills. 

In addition to this, children in reception will access one 30 minute dance lesson per week (autumn term), one 30 minute games lesson per week (spring term) and one 30 minute gymnastics lesson per week (summer term).  

Key Stage 1 – children have 2x 40 minute lessons each week to develop specific Fundamental Movement Skills through dance, gymnastics and games. 

Key Stage 2 – children will have 2x 40 minute lessons each week covering a range of activities including OAA, athletics, gymnastics and games.

Pupils in year 4 follow the programme of study for swimming.  When swimming is happening one indoor session is dropped, the remaining indoor session is divided between gymnastics, dance or specialist provision.

Please see our Swimming Data in the 2022-2023 report

Being Active during Breakfast Club

To improve punctuality and attendance,  additional physical activities are provided to develop children’s fundamental movement skills (agility, coordination and balance) every morning during breakfast club with the aim to also improve social skills.

Being Physically Active during Lunchtime

Sport-specific skills are offered at lunchtime by trained staff.  Different sports are practised across the year.  Sports covered include; football, basketball, hockey, cricket, rounders, tennis and athletics. 


We attend sports competitions against other primary schools. We have had several successes over the past few years in sports competitions such as netball, cricket, football and tag rugby. 

Please see the school sports notice board for more information and to share our success!

This year sports competitions (within school or against other local schools) the school will enter will include:


Girls Football




Timetable for extra-curricular clubs

After school clubs encourage team work, communication, cooperation and respect for others in addition to developing physical skills.


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Haveley Hey Community School

Nearbrook Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 9NS