Rights Respecting Behaviour
'Having respect for ourselves and for others helps us to be the best that we can be.'
Our vision is that we will lay the foundations for a life-long learning journey which provides our children with the tools to achieve happy, fulfilling and successful lives.
We have developed our Relationships and Behaviour Policy in-line with this ethos and our belief in promoting children's rights and respect for all children. The information below is taken from this policy
School Ethos Haveley Hey is a Rights Respecting, Nurturing school that builds ambition, resilience and respect.
We prioritise the development of positive and respectful relationships in all members of our school community, including staff, children, parents and carers. We recognise that children’s life outcomes can be affected by a range of different environmental factors and experiences and endeavour to build positive childhood experiences for all. Our approach is underpinned by restorative practice and we encourage children to empathise with others.
Create a safe base in the school environment where all children have a sense of belonging, feel valued and are supported to thrive
All stakeholders to understand that all behaviour is a form of communication which is driven by emotions
Staff to develop a curious, empathic and reflective attitude towards behaviour which embodies the principles of Nurture
Staff to deploy a consistent approach which centres around positive relationships and restorative practice
All members of the school community understand their responsibility to build, maintain and repair these positive relationships
Consequences are applied in a consistent and equitable way, preserving the dignity of all pupils and taking into account their specific needs
School values of resilience, ambition and respect are promoted consistently and drive all interactions with children
Develop a highly skilled staff team who are trauma-informed and attachment aware