We love writing at Haveley Hey and take pride in providing creative learning opportunities for our children.
We teach writing through the Ready, Steady, Write writing scheme. It runs from Reception to year 6 and is based around a high quality text. Children practise their sentence accuracy every day and have a huge focus on developing their understanding of vocabularly.
Spelling Shed
In years 3-6, we use Spelling Shed to support spelling at home. Your child will have been sent home with their username and password. Spelling Shed has personalised spellings to practise for your child. Children can enjoy playing a range of fun games to support their spellings and also join hives to have competitions with their friends!
What can you do to help?
There are lots of ways that you can help your child at home.
This website has useful links and resources: http://www.wordsforlife.org.uk/
Alternatively, download the document below for more information: