Personal, Social, health and Ecomonic education and Sex and Relationship Education is taught at Haveley Hey using the Jigsaw Scheme of work.
Each week children will have 1 PSHE lesson where they will cover topics about relationships, friendships, discrimination, families and lots of other topics.
Aut1- Being me in my world
Aut 2- Celebrating difference
Spring 1- Dreams and Goals
Spring 2- Healthy Me
Sum 1- Relationships
Sum 2- Changing me
In summer term, the children complete the 'Changing Me' unit in which they learn about their bodies and puberty. This helps to keep them safe as they grow up and ensures that they understand what will happen to their bodies. The SRE curriculum is statutory, which means we have a legal responsibility to teach it. There is only 1 lesson in year 6 which covers sex on a very basic level which parents can withdraw their child from if they wish to. We would, however, advise all children to engage in all lessons. Please see the knowledge organisers for 'Changing Me' below. You can find a 'right to withdraw' form below if you are a parent in year 6.